As the World getting back on its feet after the COVID19 hit to all life aspects, We have a new vision for how Information Security Services will be conducted in the new Era.
All Aspects of life and business are hit so hard with the shutdown that happened due to COVID19. Some of the changes that happened will continue with us for the next few years. One major impact is that every one is looking now to run business at a lower operation cost, without impacting quality of course. As a result of this it is always better to organize service in mass rather than looking for individual products or service.
Checksum have been ruining Managed Security Operation Centers for multiple years now. We are adding all services that any business would need from Compliance, to Pen Testing, to Threat Analysis and 24/7 Monitoring under one packaged service that suites current markets.
This service will not only help Businesses to stand back up on it feet again due to managed costs. it will also allow businesses to work in the new Remotely managed environments with ease and comfort, allowing them to expand and rest assured that their investments are protected from all aspects.
it is not only a managed SOC. It is not only a Managed Compliance Service. It is not Only the Skilled team you require. it is a Fully managed security service that is tailored to fit your needs whether you are running a small business or an international geographically spread bank.
Stay tuned on our Blog and Social channels as we reveal more about our service.