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Cybersecurity Economics Webinar

Cybersecurity Economics Webinar

What are the economic drivers that influence cybersecurity? …

How can threats be mitigated by addressing the real economic problem?…

While many Information Security Experts think of cybersecurity as a technical problem, this webinar will show a different aspect of the security decision making process.  Usually a security risk mitigation almost always comes down to be cost and investment decision.

Security failures are often caused by bad business decisions. This webinar provides an introduction to the field of  economics of cybersecurity. without going deep into economic concepts the webinar is designed to discuss the measurement approaches and data analytics to make better security decisions.  Engage confidently with management on cybersecurity challenges.

Introduction to the field 
-	Economics of information goods
Measuring cybersecurity
-	What to measure?
-	Security metrics
-	Data collection and processing
Market Failures and Policy
-	Policy Interventions to Correct Market Failures
The Human Factor
-	Security economics and policy



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Do we even have a good CISO?

I have to admit this, I am a sucker to success, talent, and professionalism. Who wouldn’t be? Right?

I am always pleased to talk to a successful executive, or hear from a talented person about his/her passion and profession. I am always amazed by a woman director or manager who is working against the odds of culture, and achieving success on both career and personal fronts. Maybe because I have a daughter who is still starting her way as a college girl and I can’t help it but to wish for her all the best on all frontiers.

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security resources to share with your team during covid19.

The Covid-19 is already causing a huge impact on the people; with the number of infected people soaring up and also the fatality numbers have gotten high. Other than the health issue it causes, it is also having a huge impact on businesses and thereby the economy.

Even Before Covid-19, Businesses were facing cyber threats which had a significant impact on the businesses overall. Now the attackers started taking advantage of the Covid-19 to be more successful at what they’ve been trying to do. There are multiple reports from reputed sources, who have witnessed that cybercriminals taking advantage of the current situation.


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24/7 fully managed security service our new service for new era.

As the World getting back on its feet after the COVID19 hit to all life aspects, We have a new vision for how Information Security Services will be conducted in the new Era.

All Aspects of life and business are hit so hard with the shutdown that happened due to COVID19.  Some of the changes that happened will continue with us for the next few years. One major impact is that every one is looking now to run business at a lower operation cost, without impacting quality of course. As a result of this it is always better to organize service in mass rather than looking for individual products or service.


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audit and compliance from home. what to look for?

Whether it is PCI-DSS, ISO 27001, or any other compliance requirement, It is becoming clear every day, that transforming Compliance functions to work remotely, smoothly, and securely is a necessity that will continue to exist even after COVID 19. While this will be difficult for some business functions, some business functions can overcome challenges and even work better in remote mode.

While Compliance and Auditing always needed physical presence of some sort, performing the main function itself does not. Consulting Companies have been working in this direction even before the lock-down of COVID 19.  While some had created good platforms for exchanging documents and follow up on progress, it is very important to look on the process end-to-end to guarantee security, collaboration between stakeholders, project tasks follow up, and reporting on different levels.


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